Learn what types of patients with mIDH glioma may be appropriate for VORANIGO after surgery1
Stacie has Grade 2 astrocytoma and received a sub-total resection a few months ago
Patient Information
- Age: 39
- Occupation: Full-time worker at a childcare center and part-time student
- Support System includes: Samantha (sister) and Candice (best friend)
- Hobbies: Writing and running
Clinical Summary
- Diagnosis: Grade 2 astrocytoma
- Time after surgery: 2 months post-resection
- Mutation profile: IDH1 R132H mutation and CDKN2A/B intact
Clinical History
- Presentation: Seizures, worsening headaches, experienced episodes of numbness/tingling in left side of face lasting for minutes, leading to brain imaging
- Pre-surgical tumor size: 3.6 x 2.7 cm
- Surgical result: Sub-total resection
- Post-surgical tumor size: 2.5 x 2.0 cm
- Relevant labs: Normal BMP, LFTs, and CBC
- Relevant MRI scans: 2-month MRI shows 2.5 cm residual tumor, mild post-surgical edema, no enhancement, and no signs of progression
Hypothetical patient.
Steven has Grade 2 oligodendroglioma and had surgery multiple years ago
Patient Information
- Age: 61
- Occupation: Farmer
- Support System includes: Sharon (wife), Lily (daughter), and Sam (son)
- Hobbies: Fishing and beekeeping
Clinical Summary
- Diagnosis: Grade 2 oligodendroglioma
- Time after surgery: 4.5 years post-resection with stable residual disease
- Mutation profile: IDH1 R132H mutation and 1p/19q-codeletion; CDKN2A/B intact
Clinical History
- Presentation: Seizures
- Pre-surgical tumor size: ~5 cm diameter
- Surgical result: Sub-total resection
- Post-surgical tumor size: 3 cm diameter
- Relevant labs: Normal BMP and CBC
- Relevant MRI scans: Most recent MRI imaging continues to show stable tumor size
Hypothetical patient.
Gary has Grade 2 astrocytoma and received a gross total resection
Patient Information
- Age: 36
- Occupation: Retail purchasing and stocking
- Support System includes: Alicia (wife) and Garrett (brother)
- Hobbies: Sports and outdoor activities
Clinical Summary
- Diagnosis: Grade 2 astrocytoma
- Time after surgery: 7 months post-resection
- Mutation profile: IDH1 R132H mutation and CDKN2A/B intact
Clinical History
- Presentation: 6 months of increasing headaches and blurry vision
- Pre-surgical tumor size: 3 x 5 cm
- Surgical result: Gross total resection
- Post-surgical tumor size: No residual disease
- Relevant labs: Normal LFTs; Creatinine 1.3 mg/dL
- Relevant MRI scans: 6-month post-op MRI showed no evidence of recurrent disease
Hypothetical patient.